Published in United States of America - Social interactions and entertainment - 30 Jan 2025 21:28 - 5
new players and none-vizas have low military (army and navy) rank... give 100, 150 and 250 gold for every rank ups✅ for 3-3 navy & army rank up earn maximum 1000 gold
p.s. only after 35 lvl, for not giving multies chance to earn more black money
p.s. only after 35 lvl, for not giving multies chance to earn more black money
ArkaComments (5)

Although it is a good initiative I think the gold value is exaggerated, it would only increase the creation of multiple accounts and help those who take advantage of it, plus in a week or two that gold from that account would go to a player who would already have the benefit of his multie, I do not see very nice this idea.

@Kirito does multies have 35 lvl ?
also, admin can control their donations
p.s. admin, can you make that this gold can't be transfered ? Gold only for upgrades
p.s.s. for example, reward can be "TG upgrade pack", not gold

give more gold to non-visa than visa players xD this doesnt make sense
someone will make 10 multi earn 10k gold but I will need to pay 400e to achieve that


xd no entiendo nada alguien me explica