The Voice

Behnam - Newspaper from Iran -

Published in United States of America - Social interactions and entertainment - 29 Jan 2025 07:51 - 10

After 19 days of playing EsocLife, THE VOICE decides to suggest some ideas that can make the game better and more competitive,also making the mechanisms more reliable:
1- As you may see, the last "event Golden Challenge: Rise to the Throne" brings a totally unfair competition between players, which will lead the game to a drastically unbalanced situation, Visa players will be stronger due to rewards and newcomers can't achieve anything and they become weaker.
so the suggestion is EVENTS SHOULD BE SPECIALIZED FOR DIFFERENT DIVISIONS so each account should face his/her equal opponent.

2- Payments for Visa players should be different and should be specialized for the country's real currency, for example, €10 for a Venezuelan player might be a week's salary, but for a EU player,it's just the price of a pizza.
so the store should be specialized for different markets and nations with different amounts of rewards.

3- Cryptocurrency is one of the main things which is now common in the game world, payments with crypto and making a contract with an online crypto platform can strengthen and speed up game payments, but they should be well-known and reliable gateways that can cover the whole world.

4- Game local partners: The game owner and developers should make a contract with local representatives(verified via KYC)who can handle game campaigns to attract new players.
so the local partners understand the desires of their own people and can suggest effective ways, for example in Iran, where I represent, social platforms such as Telegram or Instagram are very famous among people, or for Europeans, Facebook or WhatsApp, so those local partners understand the way and they can suggest and make plans for expanding the game.

5- Game graphics should be changed to offer a new atmosphere and a new experience to the game, not a repetitive thing that we have experienced and given up.

6- A Game mobile app should be offered because most people play it with a smartphone and playing on web-based pages makes the game less user-friendly on smartphones.

6- The game should be considered less income per person for admins but more income based on the number of players, game admins should know making a game for 100 people with 10 Visa users is meaningless, they should make it 1,000 players with 50 Visa users, it brings challenges and more social interaction between players.The game shouldn't be considered a supermarket for admins to earn money but it should be a place that everyone can enjoy, and if somebody needs more enjoyment, he/she should pay.

7- Activation of Organizations,EsocLife needs a very strong in-game business module, so it is vital to activate organizations for countries.

8- Treasury of countries should be safe from multi-accounts and multiple account interference, there should be a mechanism that admins give initial treasuries to governments, as we see at the start of the game, so many countries became bankrupt in treasury because of multi-accounts. Also, a certain amount of Gold or CC should be rewarded by admins to active nations as a game aliveness contribution from admins to motivate governments to work better.

9- Military rankings and Medals should be clear for players and they should know what milestone they are working towards!! Who knows the next rank? Okay, I'm a soldier , I should know what I’m working towards to earn the next rank. what are the benefits of rank-up?
It should be clear for medals too, on day 19 or even on day 39, we can’t imagine an EPIC battle, so earning an epic battle medal is something like a dream now. Other medals should have a clear roadmap too.

10- Dead media, this is one of the most important things in the social aspect of the game , but it is neglected in all similar games!! Only an MM medal and just a number of subscribers count!! You can share an article with absolutely no text but still gain subscribers!!! This is not something convenient.

11- DISCORD, I don't know who introduced this idea to the game world!! Who chose Discord as the main communication tool!!!! Who voted for that??
The game communication platform should be inside the game itself and shouldn't be borrowed, so you can mix shoutbox and chatrooms together and make a very active and interactive place with its own MODERATORS.

12- ALLIANCES, you need to make a special place in the game for alliances, not just a page to introduce a place that can be editable by HQ, it should have a Military Orders section, a Communication part, and different interactive sections regarding the alliance.

13- Physical Rewards (EsocLife Ambassador) to value active players, you can be inspired by YouTube, as you see when a channel has a certain amount of followers, they send a statue, a medal, or other rewards to appreciate people who put their time and effort into the platform.
I think making a medal and sending it to real active players at their address can be a good motivation. Also, those players will definitely share the game info with their family and friends, which can be a good advertising tool.

14- The distribution of bonuses should be reconsidered,it is not fair that in every platform the USA is the strongest and needs the least effort to be 100% in resource bonuses. You need to check the real conditions of each country and insert them into the game.

15- The Political System should be determined by citizens, not predefined by admins!! A country can be a Royalist, Democrat, Liberal, or something else based on the choice of citizens, so we suggest public ballots for each nation so that they can decide what system they want, and it can be modified when Congress decides to hold a public ballot.

16- Dead Economies are the saddest part of this game and similar games, focusing only on the battlefield makes people bored because while you are in cooldown, you have nothing to do in the game, so we need a competitive economic system too, which will be parallel to the military module.

17- Region Renting or Exchanging, countries should be able to exchange their regions with gold or CC, it should be better integrated inside the alliance system that we proposed before. This can divide the responsibilities of each nation inside an alliance.

18- Governmental Roles, these are the most useless things created by admins now,CP and a bit of MOD have something to do, but what is the role of the Ministry of Education, for example?
There should be a delegation system where CP assigns responsibilities to his/her government, gives them tasks to do, and expects results.

These are just some key suggestions to make EsocLife more interactive and enjoyable.
We still have hundreds of more ideas to improve the game and bring new depth and engagement.
**Please suggest new Ideas ***

Full Regards to the Readers,
CP of Iran
THE VOICE - Article Writer


KavehAlinzrMariscal CaceresPatton

Comments (10)

Good work 👍 6 . Mobile application is available
@Alinzr it is not an app it is called web-app , which is just optimized the same things
Nice work
o7 Kirito my bro
Lot of pretty good idea actually ! V+S
Impressive work. Supported o7
I'm not sure my wife, after seeing me playing all evening, would want to see a gold plate in the house
done vot o/
I will share the article so that the rest of you can read it... O7 great job