Published in United States of America - Social interactions and entertainment - 19 Jan 2025 12:47 - 19

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NocteNocteSamanComments (19)

You escaped from another game where FA was destroyed. Now you're playing this dead server.

Was FA destroyed? I played until august i believed, i can´t remember... the last thing that i knew was they were in trouble after moving to Spain...i do not follow other games.... so many...

Who is Nocte?... Nocte is not a player, he is not a person, he has no soul. It is more than a thought, it is a religion, a way of life.

i helped them some times.... especially with videos... but it´s sad to heard about the end of the project in that game.

@nocte Spain was wiped out before the new year, now it is under siege again by the USA and Bulgaria.

Who is Nocte?... Nocte is not a player, he is not a person, he has no soul. It is more than a thought, it is a religion, a way of life.

si lo pones en español , te lo voto

The other game is dead too, 6_6_6, the other alliance just kill it.

Who is Nocte?... Nocte is not a player, he is not a person, he has no soul. It is more than a thought, it is a religion, a way of life.

Who is Nocte?... Nocte is not a player, he is not a person, he has no soul. It is more than a thought, it is a religion, a way of life.

S31 ,v14 :-*

Nocte is my multie.

La tontería de la FA también esta aqui? Que obsesion tienen con las Federaciones? Le quita lo unico divertido al juego que es el nacionalismo.

That is what i'm calling a newspaper ! Bravo !

Fatal model. Somos una nacion. Dividida en muchos paises. Pero una nacion. Siempre lo fuimos.

Qué cultura tienen? Cual es su selección de fútbol? Cuales son sus platos típicos? Quienes son sus próceres? No tiene sentido en RL el tener una nación que es una mezcla de naciones, el único caso es Rusia que se mantiene en pie por ser una autocracia desde básicamente su formación. EEUU es lo que es por la limpieza étnica y posterior colonización de sus tierras por Europeos que se morían de hambre o no tenían más que hacer en Europa.

zzzzz que tipo mas pesao, denle un dólar.

dollar!? where? Bring them here! I will give him lots of love!

Am I interested for u? For next article