Published in Kosovo - Political debates and analysis - 03 Mar 2025 02:11 - 17
For European Leaders and "Farmers" who play in USA
as you see USA is protecting american countries from european invasion, but they hold regions around the world, in Europe, in Asia
no one can fight against USA alone, but Georgia is fighting against USA alone, I mean only we have active War, of course friends are with us, but we need more, we, everyone need more !
about this War... USA has Turkish regions, also with Rare resources... they don't pay rent, it's simply Occupation, when turkish people (2-3 player) started fighting in USA RW-s as USA said, it was aggresion against USA (to be honest against Occupant) and they wanted to delete Turkey, but between Turkish and USA regions, were 1 region under control of Georgia 🇬🇪 and Georgia did not let to USA to Delete Turkey ! it was the first fake reason of this war, fake because if there goal was Turkish last Region, they (usa) coule attack to Georgia in Turkish region, but they choosed another way !
that's why this were fake reasons of war, USA just feel boring and they wanted to punish someon, nothing more....
when we had negotiation, USA said this: "we want delete Turkey or Romania, also we can delete both of tham, you choose"
my answer was that Georgia will not leave friends, if they want, they can try
more over, we had already Active war and I said it to Kirito: "we have active war, but I am not going to attack first, if you want, you start war, Georgia was against this War, but USA started it"
just to watch on numbers, we have maximum 5 active players in Georgia, and USA has half of world ! but AWe 🇬🇪 are brave enough to fight against stronger enemy
sad that USA does not think so, they were going to punish little community, Turkish, Romanian and now Georgian community !
also, I want to send message to European Leaders !
Wake Up !
USA is the strongest country even in not started game, cause they have 80% bonuses from the begining, because of plenty numbers of regions, but now, they already became Dictators of the eWorld, they have 4x100% they are strong and getting stronger daily, step by step !
they started war against Europe, not only against Georgia, this action is declaration of war against whole World, exactly against whole Europe... and what are you doing Europen Leaders ? are you going to watch movie how Georgia is fighting and losing war against "World Police - USA" ? ? ?
I am not talking about Poland, this kid is stupid as hell, they started invasion war against Georgia🇬🇪 it was like a kick from back but it's okey, I expect everything from Bastards, it's normal action from his side !
but what about others ? what are you going to do ?
we need to compet with USA economically first, then using weapon and rude power...
just trust me, if Georgia lose, we lose eveyone, even USA, cause game will become much boring than now !
also want to say something to none-Americans who play in USA... Stop Farming guys, play for your country, not only for your Accaunt, fight under your Flag, for Freedom, not for Occupation !
I do my best, it's your turn now !
CP of Georgia - Patton o7 🫡
as you see USA is protecting american countries from european invasion, but they hold regions around the world, in Europe, in Asia
no one can fight against USA alone, but Georgia is fighting against USA alone, I mean only we have active War, of course friends are with us, but we need more, we, everyone need more !
about this War... USA has Turkish regions, also with Rare resources... they don't pay rent, it's simply Occupation, when turkish people (2-3 player) started fighting in USA RW-s as USA said, it was aggresion against USA (to be honest against Occupant) and they wanted to delete Turkey, but between Turkish and USA regions, were 1 region under control of Georgia 🇬🇪 and Georgia did not let to USA to Delete Turkey ! it was the first fake reason of this war, fake because if there goal was Turkish last Region, they (usa) coule attack to Georgia in Turkish region, but they choosed another way !
that's why this were fake reasons of war, USA just feel boring and they wanted to punish someon, nothing more....
when we had negotiation, USA said this: "we want delete Turkey or Romania, also we can delete both of tham, you choose"
my answer was that Georgia will not leave friends, if they want, they can try
more over, we had already Active war and I said it to Kirito: "we have active war, but I am not going to attack first, if you want, you start war, Georgia was against this War, but USA started it"
just to watch on numbers, we have maximum 5 active players in Georgia, and USA has half of world ! but AWe 🇬🇪 are brave enough to fight against stronger enemy
sad that USA does not think so, they were going to punish little community, Turkish, Romanian and now Georgian community !
also, I want to send message to European Leaders !
Wake Up !
USA is the strongest country even in not started game, cause they have 80% bonuses from the begining, because of plenty numbers of regions, but now, they already became Dictators of the eWorld, they have 4x100% they are strong and getting stronger daily, step by step !
they started war against Europe, not only against Georgia, this action is declaration of war against whole World, exactly against whole Europe... and what are you doing Europen Leaders ? are you going to watch movie how Georgia is fighting and losing war against "World Police - USA" ? ? ?
I am not talking about Poland, this kid is stupid as hell, they started invasion war against Georgia🇬🇪 it was like a kick from back but it's okey, I expect everything from Bastards, it's normal action from his side !
but what about others ? what are you going to do ?
we need to compet with USA economically first, then using weapon and rude power...
just trust me, if Georgia lose, we lose eveyone, even USA, cause game will become much boring than now !
also want to say something to none-Americans who play in USA... Stop Farming guys, play for your country, not only for your Accaunt, fight under your Flag, for Freedom, not for Occupation !
I do my best, it's your turn now !
CP of Georgia - Patton o7 🫡
SaliLeogannCetroReDarianSir LengasComments (17)

p.s. only stupid bastard can write here that I am crying with this article...

When we gathered to make alliance vs USA you spied everything to ur master Kirito.
You were fighting alongside USA against Poland too. So shut the f up and stop crying .

Voted and Nice 


Patton solo decirte que sigue llorando 😇😇

I fight hard for my country but there is a Arian who f*** me up every time. 

Patton is a spy and rat just ignore him dont forget when he spied everything


So, like, you can't just take over the world anymore? But if it were another country, they wouldn't have a problem with it. At least we're a country, not some alliance with a bunch of VISAS account 5-star profiles.

just ignore him hes stupid he was on USA side when USA attacked poland now he just barks nonsense

Salamanca let's meet in Turkey, neutral country, we will see who is stupid and who is dead

I don't know what part of this game has to die has not been understood yet.

ask the admin for resources to win, I hear he gives them.

