Romy - Newspaper from Kosovo -

Published in Kosovo - Social interactions and entertainment - 27 Feb 2025 09:00 - 8

im again so sorry about writing this article, i tried all ways to get answer but i couldnt get any answer yet.... 
as i know, i never missed any mission at Monthly Quest event... from older games, i always interest this events... 
But this time there is a problem (i'm still not sure may be its cos of me) 

1 day left for the event, 3 mission gives 900 + 900 + 600 = 2400 points max... ( at first days it was giving 250 points, was not 300)
ATM i'm at 50 level and 650 points... it means, i will be max = 53 level and 50 points... 
SO it's impossible to reach 60 level.... and you sell gold key for this event!!!

am i wrong? or something went wrong?

PS : We Want Training Ground Discount at day #50...


alt puiDiabloDiabloDiabloDiablo

Comments (8)

If only February would have a couple of extra days Smile
Please fix the problem
The Monthly Quest event will begin on Day 31 and runs for the entire month, resetting on the 1st day of each month! The duration depends on the number of days in the month: • 28-day month → Event lasts 28 days • 30-day month → Event lasts 30 days • 31-day month → Event lasts 31 days Each day brings new quests and new opportunities to progress! How It Works: • Every day, you receive 3 quests to complete. • The first two quests are 3x tasks, while the third quest is 2x tasks. • Completing all three quests daily earns you 2,000 points. • Each level requires 1,000 points to unlock, with a total of 60 levels. • Players who join later in the month start at the level corresponding to the current day. (For example, if you join on Day 8, you will start from Level 8.) Earning Points: • Quest 1: 250 x 3 = 750 points • Quest 2: 250 x 3 = 750 points • Quest 3: 250 x 2 = 500 points • Total per day = 2,000 points With 60 levels to unlock, you will need to complete quests consistently to maximize rewards!
So, if max points/day is 2000 and February lasts 28 days, I hope some miracle will take place tomorrow Smile regardless, I'll remember.
so @alt pui, admin see February as 31 day, but its 28 day? LaughLaughLaugh
Well, Admin is aware - "duration depends on the number of days in the month: • 28-day month → Event lasts 28 days" but it is unwise to introduce an event with such a bluff. Laugh
I used to think that one needs a lawyer to play eRepublik, but this game is catching up quickly ;; )