Romy - Newspaper from Kosovo -

Published in Kosovo - Social interactions and entertainment - 25 Feb 2025 10:23 - 14

as personal, i dont need golds for TG upgrade at day 50.... BUT BUT BUT, all of us know that this game is nothing with 2click players.... 680 gold is so much for them.. SO dear @Admin.... dont ignore us and have discount for TG at day 50... IF U WANT TO KEEP THİS GAME ALIVE 

Best RegardsSmile


WyceffWyceffDiabloSung JinWooarianistanbulTRAPICHEROCOKPattonAlinzralt pui

Comments (14)

Signed. #WeWantTGDiscountForDay#50
Signed. #WeWantTGDiscountForDay#50
Signed. #WeWantTGDiscountForDay#50
Signed. #WeWantTGDiscountForDay#50
Signed. #WeWantTGDiscountForDay#50
Signed. #WeWantTGDiscountForDay#50
Signed. #WeWantTGDiscountForDay#50
Signed. #WeWantTGDiscountForDay#50
Signed. #WeWantTGDiscountForDay#50
Signed. #WeWantTGDiscountForDay#50
Signed. #WeWantTGDiscountForDay#50
Signed. #WeWantTGDiscountForDay#50
Signed. #WeWantTGDiscountForDay#50
Signed. #WeWantTGDiscountForDay#50