
Published in United States of America - Social interactions and entertainment - 03 Feb 2025 09:00 - 10


WinleckiWinleckiWinleckiSr IkiSquanchyAwesomemuy caliente mariconmuy caliente mariconmuy caliente maricon

Comments (10)

an SMS confirmation would be a good proxy, without that much complexity of Discord linking acc, not everybody uses discord., but everyone uses a phone, and its too difficult to have more than 2.
@Mariscal Caceres good option too.
Capcha is to avoid scripts in game.
@Cango capcha is to avoid scripts in the game, unless you pay, then it doesn't matter.
i saw in other games the sms confirmations, its soo good, i support the idea and zakk u have to understand this is a game that need a server and people to running it, of course they want money, they didnt make a game just for see other people compite or enjoy, in this golden week challenge i just had to put like 5 times the captcha, isnt in each battle, and i hit a lot in many battles, but u are right why dont apply in the first lvls. i think is difficult get a multi or bot over lvl 200
@PrimerOficial I perfectly understand the interest of making money, it is the purpose, and I support it. But there are many good ways to earn income, and this doesn't seem like one of them to me.
I've never seen so many complaints about a crappy captcha but actually you're absolutely right. Although with the 10 years you have gone too far xDD at most I would put 3 or 4 years haha
sub 18 good luck! o7
To be fair most bots won't pay to remove it - so even with that feature it will still work to cut out bot usage